Established in 1990, RHK is a privately owned company dedicated to manufacturing and servicing hydraulic cylinders. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, RHK has built the reputation for delivering high quality products and service to a wide range of clients world wide in industries such as oil & gas, construction, agriculture, heavy machinery, forestry, mining, transportation and utilities.
Making a difference through our creativity, passion, and collaboration
Helping turn ideas into products, and problems into solutions

Core Values

Park the ego. It’s about the greater good. Celebrate each other’s wins. We, not me.

Take the initiative. Learn and grow. Continuous improvement. Find ways to contribute.

Use common sense. Listen to each other. Respect and support each other. Be mindful of your actions and words

After working in the industry for 12 years, in 1990 I decided to open a hydraulic cylinder repair facility. I noticed early on that there was opportunity in cylinder manufacturing; with that in mind, in 1996 we rented another space a few blocks away, purchased some additional equipment and started manufacturing cylinders, mostly for local equipment manufacturers.
By 2000 we had out grown both our repair and manufacturing facilities so we purchased the building that RHK is presently occupying. In 2003 we added onto the building to expand our Chroming Facility and in 2014 we added onto our machine shop. This gives us about 30,000 square feet of shop space and 2000 square feet of office space.
Many of the lessons that I learned during that time was to treat employees, suppliers and customers with fairness and respect. Those are values I have always deemed important and we continue to value at RHK today.
As you are viewing this website you may have a requirement for our products or services. Please contact us with any requests for any hydraulic cylinder manufacturing, repair or any processes that we have to offer.
Doug Rella
Founder, RHK Hydraulics

RHK’s Quality Assurance program is registered to the international ISO 9001:2015 standard for design, manufacture and service of our products. Through this Quality program we ensure that every aspect of our business is held to the highest standard and that every order is fulfilled accurately and on time.
Committed to creating a healthier environment for its employees and the community, RHK has received, and continuously works towards the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Standard. RHK also maintains the international certification, ISO OHSAS 45001:2018 for Occupational Health and Safety. Meeting these standards, RHK ensures that our operation minimizes the negative affect on the environment and creates a safe place to work.